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Where is InnovAge’s corporate headquarters?
8950 E. Lowry Boulevard
Denver, CO 80230
8950 E. Lowry Boulevard
Denver, CO 80230
Where is the company incorporated?
InnovAge was incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado in 2007.
How is InnovAge stock traded?
InnovAge stock is traded on the Nasdaq, under NASDAQ: INNV.
Does InnovAge pay dividends?
Not at this time.
Who is InnovAge’s transfer agent?
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC
Who is InnovAge’s auditor?
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Where can I find the latest corporate news releases?
The latest press releases are available in InnovAge’s Newsroom.
Who makes up the InnovAge executive management team and board of directors?
Visit the InnovAge website to learn more about our leadership and board of directors.
How do I sign up for email alerts from InnovAge?
Visit the email alerts section of the investor relations site to sign up for alerts for new quarterly reports, events, or other SEC filings.
Where should I direct investor relations inquiries?
Where should I direct media inquiries?
Lara Hazenfield,
How do I obtain a copy of your annual report or other investor materials?
Investor materials, including quarterly and annual reports, are available under the SEC filings page of the investor relations site as well as at